We’ve created a Telegram IT Security Alerts channel which should inform you about new (large) vulnerabilities and data breaches. Telegram channels can push notifications to your mobile easily, yet not everyone can post in them. This channel aims to be medium to low traffic, allowing you to activate alerts.
Simply get Telegram and join our channel.
Submitting content
You can submit new IT Security Alerts on the submission page.
Automated use/tagging
To make your lifes a bit easier and make it possible to use our channel as a reliable newssource for activate or passive alerting systems, we’ve committed us to use tags. This does not only allow you to easily filter our messages but also allows you to trigger certain events by using e.g. your user account and the various telegram APIs.
#alert will be used if there is a high priority incident (e.g. large scale data breach, vulnerability for common software and so on)
#vulnerability, #update, #databreach, #hacked is used to describe the event
#severityhigh, #severitymedium, #severitylow describes the severity as hashtag
#microsoft, #wordpress, #adobeflash, #adobe, #openssl (and so on) will be used to track affected software/vendors/services
#infectedio is used for anything related to itsec.yt.gl. This should not trigger alerts!
If no hashtag fits, we may use different ones. We will always attempt to use the closest one which matches if not completely inaccurate. We may miss or forget hashtags. We can not guarantee for anything and we can not be held liable. Keep this in mind please!
You can contact @itsecguy on telegram. Please note that it might take a while until someone gets back to you.